
PrimaryBid Connect API facilitates bi-directional communication between PrimaryBid's services and external API client(s).

  • PrimaryBid sends API clients notifications via client-configured webhooks.
  • Clients can request/send information to PrimaryBid via a RESTful web API interface.
Primary Bid Data Flow diagram

Data flow diagram

Communication protocol

All communication is via HTTPS protocol. You can learn more about our authentication protocols via Authentication.

All data is encrypted at rest and in transit.

Base URLs

PrimaryBid Connect API supports connections across our Staging and Production environments.

The following base URLs will be made available subject to the regional jurisdiction of the Partner:

Example integration flow

In a typical use case, a PrimaryBid Connect API integration will include the following:

  • PrimaryBid triggered webhooks to notify API clients during key phases of an offer (for more information refer to Webhooks).
  • Real-time API requests to submit subscriptions directed to our Subscriptions endpoint.

Basic terms


A public offering that involves the sale of equity shares or other financial instruments such as bonds to the public in order to raise capital. PrimaryBid provides access to the following offer types: IPOs, follow-ons, bonds, block, and SPACs, with investment trusts as a sub-category. Our API provides all the offer metadata needed to provide a customisable branded experience for Retail Investors on your platform.


The firm intention where an investor commits to invest in a financial instrument before the closing of an offer. To provide a consistent experience, you can seamlessly extend your flows by submitting these subscriptions directly to our API.


The operational process of dividing and assigning new shares to investors, based on the requirements of the company issuing such shares. Occasionally, deals may be oversubscribed, in which case, partial allocations will take place. PrimaryBid Connect API facilitates a streamlined allocation process that instantly alerts your system upon completion, eliminating manual enquiries.


An HTTP callback that allows your system to subscribe to event notifications, such as when offers launch/close and when allocations become available. It’s an efficient way of using our API to keep investors informed and allow them to sit back without having to repeatedly log in to your platform to check for updates.