August Updates

Hello and welcome to the latest round of PrimaryBid Connect API updates! Don’t know about you, but we’ve been busy building exciting new features all summer long. So get ready to explore the newest enhancements and capabilities as we unveil the latest chapter in our API journey.


The greatest news is that we’re officially releasing an upgraded version of the PrimaryBid Connect API. The focus for v2.0 was twofold:

  • To expand the suite of available offer types and include Community IPOs.
  • To improve subscription data granularity for a premium user experience.

Intrigued? Great. More details below!

API updates

Improved Offers

Meet the enhanced Offer model! Designed to support and streamline participation in Community IPO offers and beyond.

  • The type of public offerings used to raise funds is now extended to “primary”, “secondary”, “fixed-income”, and IPO.
  • The subtype of the offer launched to raise capital covers "company placings", "investment trusts", "blocks", "re-IPOs", and "bonds", just to name a few.
  • Geographically, we are planning to open our platform to new capital market regions like Belgium, Germany, and the United States.
  • New fields: countryCode, membershipRequired, keyInformation, landingPageLink, admissionDateTime, offeringDocuments, acceptedCurrency, offerType , and offerSubType.
  • Deprecated fields: type, subType, and currency.

For the latest developments, open the 200 response schema included in the documentation from Get all offers and Get specific offer endpoints.

A quick scroll through the documentation supporting the Improved Offers model within the PrimaryBid Connect API

Community-IPO-ready Subscriptions and Allocations

Are you a Partner seeking to participate in community offers by including extra granularity in demand submission? Then your wait is over. We’re optimising the process with:

  • Additional information is featured on Subscriptions and Allocations payloads.
  • New fields: accountType, subscriptionCategory, status, membershipStatus, and membershipCode.
  • Deprecated fields: subscriptionType, investorReference, and investorReferenceType.

And for a seamless Community IPO subscription process, we streamlined the navigation between membership validation and the integrating platform. End users will be flying from one screen to another. To further optimise the process, allocations will also feature an additional level of detail.

The GET/allocation endpoint response schema.

New: Pagination

Big day for Partners who wanted to retrieve smaller sets of data instead of a single, all-data response. Offer, Subscription, and Allocation collections now support pagination. Head over to the Pagination section to learn more about the parameters that make it happen. As for the responses you might get, refer to each endpoint’s schema.

how pagination helps PrimaryBid distribution. partners retrieve smaller sets of data

Webhook upgrade

The Allocations Available webhook can now be configured in two formats. Partners can request to receive a hook with all allocations and no payload - only a notification-style allocation count. Next, poll our GET /allocations endpoint to retrieve paginated responses. Your PrimaryBid solutions engineer will be ready to configure this for you.

API documentation updates

To reflect all API changes, we also fine-tuned our documentation. All request and response samples, field descriptions, and code “recipes” are now aligned to the v2.0 schema. You’ll notice new pages such as FAQs and an extended Glossary, spanning key definitions from capital markets and technology.

Frequently asked questions page

A great way to level up the API integration is by collecting the most asked questions and their answers in one place. So, next time you have a burning query for your PrimaryBid solutions engineer, before contacting them, make sure they haven’t already answered it on the freshly-published FAQ page.

Revamped Glossary

Remember the “Basic Concepts” section from the Data Flow page? It turned into a full-blown jargon-busting Glossary page. To make it even more helpful and easy to navigate, the content is now split into three categories:

  • PrimaryBid-specific terminology
  • Financial keywords
  • API notions.

You'll also find the glossary items in handy pop-ups throughout the developer portal, without having to switch back and forth to the Glossary page. Read simple, plain English explanations of typical fintech words like: community offer, SPAC, ABB HTTP method, or RESTful web API.

If we missed essential phrases that could help you gain a better understanding of the PrimaryBid Connect API, do contact us with your suggestions and we will publish detailed definitions asap.

We hope you’re excited as we are for these PrimaryBid Connect API improvements, as they’re paving the way for a more inclusive and straightforward experience for retail investors.

More state-of-the-art features are in the pipeline, so stick around!


What is the PrimaryBid Connect API Dev Portal Changelog?

Welcome to your one-stop source of improvements, updates, and fixes of the PrimaryBid Connect API documentation. We’re continuously enhancing the Connect API and its corresponding documentation. On this page, we will record our journey towards Developer Experience (DX) excellence. The Changelog is the best way to keep you up to speed with what’s new around here. Each month is a new chapter. Happy reading and thank you for following along!